How to treat psoriasis on the hands?

Plaque lesions on the skin of the hands are the most common manifestations of lichen squamous. Hand psoriasis is a chronic disease that significantly affects a person's quality of life. It has special symptoms, as well as many prerequisites for development.

psoriasis on the palms

The causes of psoriasis on the hands.

What causes a rash in the form of rough plaques on the palms and flexion areas of the upper extremities? it is not always easy to understand right away. The main causes of psoriasis on the hands are:

  • hereditary tendency to disease;
  • the result of infections, virals and colds;
  • metabolic disorders and hormonal pathologies (diabetes mellitus);
  • stressful situations, nervous breakdowns, emotional disorders;
  • frequent contact with harsh chemicals (household chemicals, cosmetics);
  • skin lesions (abrasions, wounds, abrasions, scrapes).
stress as a cause of psoriasis on the hands

People prone to allergic reactions are at risk of developing psoriatic psoriasis. Additionally, malnutrition, alcohol and tobacco abuse, long-term use of antidepressants, and steroids can lead to scaly lichens.

Manifestation symptoms

In adults, psoriasis begins on the elbows and hands. The first signs are noticed in the extensor part, when small flat papules appear, which eventually increase in size, forming rough and round plates of pale pink or red color. Also, the rash appears on the palms. The skin dries out, thickens, turns deep red, and sometimes cracks.

The development of psoriasis on the fingers can reach the nails. At first, small holes form in them, and over time, the nail plate thickens, becomes loose, and resembles a fungal infection. Therefore, people often wonder whether squamous lichen is contagious. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that is not transmitted through handshake or other contact. The propensity for disease can be transmitted genetically, but not the disease itself.

psoriasis on the hands

Another symptom of squamous lichen is the appearance of scaly patches between the fingers. The skin in these places resembles calluses, just as rough and rough.

Forms of hand psoriasis

The nature of the course and clinical manifestations of squamous lichen are very diverse. The rash can affect not only the hands, but also the shoulders, neck, chest, especially if the child suffers from the disease. Hand psoriasis is the most common type of dermatosis and can present in several basic forms, which are described below.

Plate or common

The skin in the affected areas becomes thicker, covered with white crusts and cracks, which sometimes bleed. The plates fuse in groups and form large lesions.

plaque psoriasis on the hands

Teardrop shape

The rash most often affects the upper arms and shoulders. The plates are thickly covered with white scales and look like drops. This type of psoriasis spreads rapidly throughout the body, affecting the forearms and hips. It is mainly aggravated after ingestion of streptococci (the causative agent of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, ARVI).

tear-shaped psoriasis on the hands

Exudative or pustular squamous lichen

It is localized on the forearms, has a severe course: multiple blisters with a transparent liquid, purulent processes, as well as the outbreak of the rash outside the upper extremities.

exudative psoriasis on the hands

Nail psoriasis

This shape is characterized by the appearance of longitudinal or transverse lines of a white or gray hue. The skin around the plate thickens and the nail exfoliates and becomes loose, leading to its further destruction.

psoriasis on the fingernails

The appearance of each scaly hand shape is clearly visible in the photo.

If you do not start treatment for hand psoriasis in time, the disease can lead to inflammation of the joints (psoriatic arthritis). The rash can spread to other areas of the body (head, legs, back, abdomen, chest).

Stages of skin disease

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that has a specific developmental sequence. Depending on the intensity of the manifestations of the disease and the frequency of relapses, there are 3 main stages of the disease:

  • progressive - the initial stage - the appearance of various scaly papules on the hands, shoulders, between the fingers and on the extension of the elbows, which are accompanied by edema, inflammation, itching;
  • stationary stage - new rashes do not occur, and old plates are densely covered with white scales, the affected areas stop itching (the disease freezes in one place);
  • the regression stage - symptoms begin to disappear (papules turn pale, dry plaques dissolve, skin clears, only small dark spots remain).

In a state of remission, psoriasis can last from 2 to 4 months to several years. New relapses are becoming more severe, leading to gradual thickening and thickening of the stratum corneum in the hands, elbows, between the fingers, and around the nail plates.

Pharmacy treatment

Squamous lichen, although not a contagious disease, brings many annoyances and inconveniences. The main objective of drug treatment is to improve the general condition of the patient:

  • eliminate flaking and itching;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • soothe the skin.

Therapy should be comprehensive and include several different groups of drugs for external and internal use.

  1. Hormonal - relieves inflammation, irritation, swelling, itching and pain, reduces fluid papules in exudative psoriasis. Also, ointments eliminate allergic manifestations.
  2. Non-hormonal: zinc ointment, salicylic ointment - relieve main symptoms, do not cause side effects, act gently on the skin, but are less effective than glucocorticosteroid (hormonal) drugs.
  3. Homeopathic - used for severe flaking, itching, helps during the period of joint damage.

Homeopathy is effective only if it is selected correctly, taking into account all the nuances of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body.

In case of a weak result of local drugs, the doctor may prescribe a systemic therapy in the form of injections and pills. The drugs suppress the intensive division of skin cells, detoxify the body and thus eliminate the main symptoms, helping to improve the quality of life.

In addition to the main drugs aimed at inhibiting psoriasis, complex therapy uses funds to support the whole body:

  • vitamins
  • liver support drugs - hepatoprotectors;
  • sorbents - cleanse the intestines of toxins and poisons;
  • antihistamines;
  • immunomodulators.

The best way to treat this or that form of psoriasis will be determined by the specialist. You will combine medications to achieve maximum effect and not harm your body as a whole.

see a doctor for psoriasis on the hands

Home remedies

Patients are often interested in how to cure psoriasis at home. In the fight against scaly lichen of the hands, herbal preparations and healing baths help well. In addition, folk remedies help to improve the action of drugs and the transition of the disease to the stage of remission.

Celandine baths

Pour minced grass (100 g) with 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 to 1, 5 hours. Pour the filtered liquid into a hot bath (37-40 degrees). The duration of a procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

celandine for psoriasis on the hands

The course of treatment is 10 to 12 sessions, which can be performed daily.

Collection of herbs for water handling.

It is necessary to mix in equal proportions (50 g each):

  • Grass of San Juan;
  • wise;
  • valerian root;
  • celandine;
  • succession.

Boil 30 g of the collection in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes. Let the broth stand for 1. 5-2 hours, strain and add to a large bath bowl.

herbs to treat psoriasis on the hands

Herbal baths ease the course of the disease, soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and flaking, and most importantly, stop the spread of plaques.

Propolis ointment

Melt 300 g of butter, add 20 g of chopped propolis, boil everything until a single consistency is formed. With the finished cold salve, treat the affected areas of the hands. The product is also suitable for compresses. Apply a small amount of medicine to a cotton ball, apply it to the injured areas, and fix it with a bandage.

propolis for the treatment of psoriasis on the hands

Before using the ointment, you need to treat the plates with hydrogen peroxide and wait until they dry. This will enhance the effect of the folk remedy.

Birch tar

For 30 to 45 days, you need to lubricate the affected areas of the hands with birch tar. It is best to do this an hour before bedtime. The substance must remain on the skin for at least 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Gradually the residence time of the tar on the plates increases to 30 minutes.

birch tar for psoriasis on the hands

This medicine is most effective for treating skin ailments. A folk remedy well eliminates unpleasant symptoms and prolongs the period of remission for a long time.

Prevention of psoriasis in the hands.

The hands more often than other areas of the skin suffer from rashes. The disease is difficult to treat due to the constant contact of the hands with provoking factors. To achieve a long-term remission, it is important to adhere to preventive measures:

  • do not allow the skin to dry out;
  • use household chemicals with gloves;
  • use specially selected hand creams;
  • avoid contact with aggressive substances;
  • seek help from a doctor immediately when the first rashes occur;
  • do not abuse alcohol and smoking.
alcohol consumption and smoking as a cause of psoriasis on the hands

In the prevention of hand psoriasis, attention should be paid to proper nutrition. Fried, smoked, salty, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. It is not advisable to get carried away by chocolate and flour products. It is better to cook, steam or bake food and heat red pigmented fruits and vegetables (cherries, strawberries, tomatoes) for heat treatment.

Psoriatic rashes on the hands tend to relapse. The disease is not curable, but it only goes into remission temporarily. The duration of the calm of psoriasis depends on the correct treatment and prevention. Take care of your lifestyle, stick to your diet, avoid stress and treat the first manifestations of the disease in time.